None Of Us Are “Perfect” In The Arts

It has been said a thousand times Don’t compare yourself to others, but still we do it. We have a glimpse on social media, of how well that person we haven’t seen in years is doing and we crumple. It’s natural, we look at ourselves and start over analysing- picking apart who we are. 

That’s the problem. Sometimes we forget that who we are (who none of us are) will never be our self imposed ideal of perfection. There is no way of clicking fingers and making life the way we want it, we have to work hard and above all enjoy the life we have. 

So what if we haven’t had our new play get the feedback we think it deserves or have that role in that new musical?! Occasionally, we get to places too early and other times our time-keeping doesn’t go to plan. Don’t tear yourself apart, it’s just life, it happens.

Our apparent physical ‘imperfections’ we see in ourselves, don’t go away because someone tells you that you’re beautiful, we all know that. We need to embrace who we are and see that these are what make us who we are, they are quirks that make us stand out from the crowd, let’s be proud of that.

No-one is perfect in this world let alone the Arts, so let’s treat ourselves with the kindness, we endeavour to show others. Starting today!