Freelancer Life Equals Free Time?


You probably read the title of this article and screamed at your screen. I’m suspecting you also shouted “Shut-up” or worse. Everyone has a different definition of free time, to some it would be sitting eating Pop-Tarts and watching a box-set, to others it could be to research a specific time period, for a new script they are writing. BOTH of these sound amazing, because each individual is doing exactly what is right for them, at that particular moment in their life.

To me free time is a chance to just focus on what YOU need to be doing, rather than what you feel you have to be doing.  Sometimes, as a freelancer, which is essentially working for yourself, you can feel a sense of guilt, or when you do have a quiet period, a feeling of disappointment, not to mention a panic of how you are going to manage to pay bills etc. We all have short spells of quietness and momentary panic/doom, lets be real here, which is perfectly normal in the Arts industry. Free time, in most cases, is not out of choice, but this doesn’t mean failure, it can mean opportunity.

Time to make plans and certain dreams a reality, should never be frowned upon as a bad thing, making yourself a priority shouldn’t be an exception but a rule. Once you are happy and in a good place, then you radiate this exuberance for what you are doing to others and that can just be the inspiration they might be needing at that particular moment!

In a nutshell, freelancers have enough to be thinking about, without judging themselves for having free time. Being a freelancer doesn’t necessarily mean there is a lot of time for ourselves, so when we do, the balance should be right, that what ever we are doing with this time, whether ‘work or play’, we do our best to enjoy it.

Have a beautiful week and be kind.  ♥


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